Sunday, June 21, 2009

interesting article/debate

Road cleaned by neo-Nazis may be named for rabbi
Jun 21, 2009 (3:07p CDT)
By MARIA SUDEKUM FISHER (Associated Press Writer)

KANSAS CITY, Mo. - Two Adopt-a-Highway signs on a Missouri road acknowledge a neo-Nazi group's participation in the state's litter prevention program.

But if Gov. Jay Nixon signs a large transportation bill, that half-mile section of road will be renamed "Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel Memorial Highway" in honor of a rabbi who narrowly escaped the Nazis in World War II and later marched with Martin Luther King Jr.

The Springfield unit of the National Socialist Movement committed last year to clean up trash along the section of Highway 160 near the city limits in west Springfield. Two signs noting the group's membership in the Adopt-A-Highway program went up last October.

"For the National Socialist movement to be in the Adopt-a-Highway program is well within their rights," said Rabbi Alan L. Cohen of the Jewish Community Relations Board of Kansas City, which worked on selecting Heschel's name for the highway.

"But obviously there were people raising the concern that this is the wrong message for people to see driving down a Missouri highway, that there are National Socialists out here," Cohen said Sunday. "Wouldn't it be nice to have someone who stands for justice."

The state says it had no way to reject the group's application. A 2005 U.S. Supreme Court ruling arising from a similar effort by the Ku Klux Klan says membership in the Adopt-A-Highway program can't be denied because of a group's political beliefs.

In general, the state can deny an organization's application only if it has members who have been convicted of violent criminal activity within the past 10 years.

After the state dropped the Klan from cleaning up a section of Interstate 55 near St. Louis in 2001 for failing to pick up trash, that stretch of highway was renamed the "Rosa Parks Highway" in honor of the black woman arrested in 1955 when she refused to give up her seat to a white man on a bus in Montgomery, Ala.

Representatives of the National Socialist movement in Missouri did not immediately return calls seeking comment about the legislation Sunday. But a statement on the movement's Web site calls the renaming "a lame attempt to insult National Socialist pro-environment/green policies."

The Web site has images of the Confederate flag, swastikas and members in military garb, and says the group fights for the rights of "all White American citizens of European descent."

"We welcome this spineless legislation, as it will no doubt spur a backlash from the local people whom will wonder why anyone, especially outside Jewish agitators would attempt to disrespect local citizens that volunteer their time to clean local roads," the statement said.

The governor has until mid-July to sign or veto the transportation bill. Nixon spokesman Scott Holste said Sunday that while the governor is reviewing the entire bill, he is in favor of the amendment to rename the stretch of highway.

Heschel, who died in 1972, seemed the right choice for the person to be honored in naming the highway, Cohen said.

"Rabbi Heschel said the struggle against injustice is a Jewish imperative, and on that he dedicated his life," Cohen said.

Heschel was deported from Germany and then escaped from Poland weeks before the Germans invaded in World War II, said Michael Abrams, chairman of the Jewish Community Relations Board . He taught at the Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati during World War II and later at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America in New York.

He was revered for his piety and for his activism on civil rights and other issues

"He's a great example of the Nazi failure to annihilate the Jews and of Jewish participation in the civil rights movement," Abrams said. He said a famous photograph shows Heschel and King walking side by side at Selma in 1965.


Associated Press Writer Margaret Stafford contributed to this report.

Now after reading this you wonder, what should the local governments decision be? should they take the side of the local citizens who cleaned and maintained the highway? or the side of the 'politically correct' candidate? Now personally I say burn the fuckin nazi's, they're all inbred, white trash, mutants.

I mean yeah they did a public service, but I think it was just to raise controversy in the first place. They know they have a negative outlook from the general public so this is obviously free advertisement to their cause. I dont side with the jews either, just another bullshit belief system that institutionalizes and brainwashes a percentage of population. Why not give the name of the highway to a native american tribe from the area, seeing as how it was their land to begin with. That seems like a neuteral choice to me, i'm sick and tired of hearing about debates about old civil liberties activists getting face.

Read the article and decide for yourself, in the end its pointless bullshit,ITS A FUCKING ROAD WHO FUCKING CARES!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Music, Sex and Alchohol

Those are probably the three major things I think of when im deciding what my plans will be for the week. I dont know if theyre all subliminally linked in my brain, whether its the music i listen to that makes me want to party and get laid, or if its just what a young adolescent wants in life. Tied into politics, politics being life, its strange how all I want is for our corporate slave driven existence to end, but at the same time I think i've almost become dependant on it. Am I a drunkard? Im not sure, theres a good chance, I drink nearly every day of my life, I think its starting to consume the better part of me. I'm not as out going as I used to be, not to involved with changing things any more. I dont really do much actually except party. Alchohol to me is becoming a sort of opiate, dulling my senses and making my mind more vulnerable to the habitual patterns of every day life.

Not saying that im stopping cold turkey and never drinking again because that will never happen, theres nothing more in life thats more important to me than hanging out with my friends and having a good time, feeling that raw human emotion that you feel when your hanging out with your best friends getting drunk, acting stupid and having fun. Friends are the greatest power in the world, from friends you get community and that is real power.

Friends: To say more, you already know what im talking about, when your dumped, lonely, depressed, or just looking to have fun they are the first ones you look for. To look deeper into it the feeling of friendship is the start of freedom in your own life. Theres no real anarchy than friendship, no not the chaotic nihilist bull shit we're made to believe anarchy is, anarchy is friendship, the sharing of life with other human beings, the sharing of emotion and peace. If everyone in the world looked at things like we were all friends we could end our seeming inherent hatred towards each other. We would stop judging each other, putting barriers between each other like religion and money and social standing, what if we could all just help each other, not impose, but help. Not judging a homeless person and trying to put your beliefs on them but simply standing them up, dusting them off and telling them how great you think they are.

To get back to subject or at least as I possibly can, do what you want, have as much fun as you can, we're all gonna die one day but at least if you lived the way you wanted to with as little barriers as you could, you could look back and say 'yeah I was fuckin crazy some of the things I did were stupid, but at least I lived'

We have to live as much as we can, enjoy our youth because sooner or later we know its going to be gone, we're gonna be workin all day selling our labor for minimal monetary gain. Bills, marriage, kids, all will consume our lives and we will find our need for the green paper that rules the world is no longer this distant adversary but a current problem and by then it will be to late, you will have sold your soul and traded your life for a job you worked so hard in school for.

Dont be too quick to grow up and miss out on the best time of your life.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Awesome Video

This is taken from the army field manuel:

The Recipe for Making Napalm from Blood:
"This type of fuel adheres more readily to the target and produces greater heat concentration."

"1. Preparation of animal blood serum:
a. Slit animal's throat by jugular vein. Hang up-side down to drain.
b. Place coagulated (lumpy) blood in a cloth or on a screen and catch the red fluid (serum) which drains through.
c. Store in a cool place if possible.CAUTION: Do not get aged animal blood or the serum into an open cut. This can cause infections.
2. Pour blood serum into jar, bottle, or other container and add gasoline.
3. Add the salt (or other additive) to the mixture and stir until a gel forms."

Hotwire Cars

Heres another easy one:

This procedure is meant for fairly older cars but could work on some newer models.
First find a car, get in and look under the dash, open the panal and look for two red wires (red was the standard color in older models, so if you dont see them look for two matching wires) open them and cross them, it might take a few tries and be careful not to shock yourself, then take off!

Fire bombs

Heres a pretty easy recipe for you:

1 glass bottle or lightbulb
1 rag
1 part gasoline
1 part motor oil


1 glass bottle or lightbulb
1 rag
1 part gasoline
1 part roofing tar
melted wax

Have fun, be careful and as always I dont condone the use of these explosives!!!!!!!!